Training Title: Database Management and administration.
Institution:  Bangladesh University of Engineering Technology (BUET)
Duration: 2 Months.
Course Outline
- Introduction: Tables, Fields, Records, Data Types
- SQL Commands: Create,Select, Insert, Update, Delete,
Where, Order by, Aggregation
- Closer look at String and Date
- Sub-query
- Join, Union, Intersection,
- Views, Clusters, Sequence
- Relational Database Design and
- Introduction to PL-SQL
- Executable commands,exception handling
- Triggers
- Procedures
- Functions
- Packages
- Using Native Dynamic SQL and
- Complex Queries
- Text queries and text
indexes, Index Sets
- Oracle text for textsearches,
Adding Text to theDatabases
- Backup and Recovery
- Import, Export, Source View
- Using SQL loader,
- Working with table space
- Encryption and Decryption
- Basic Oracle Security
- Users, Roles, Privileges
- Granting Resources
- Initial Security Configuration
- Creating a Logon trigger
- Creating a Security
Policy and applying it to tables
- Test VPD, Column-level
VPD, disabling VPD
- Using Policy Groups

Training Title: Object Oriented 
Programming (OOP) - Dot Net Track.
Organized by:  Bangladesh Association of 
Software and Information Services.(BASIS)

Course Outline
  • Object Oriented Concept
  • Fundamental Of C#
  • Basic ASP.NET
  • Class Responsibility Collaborator (CRC) Analysis
  • Understanding basic UML (Use Case Text, Use case diagram, class diagram, activity diagram, sequence diagram)
  • Database fundamentals (MSSQL)
  • Test driven programming fundamentals with NUnit
  • OO to relational database modeling
  • Software development methodology (Waterfall, Agile, XP)
  • Software development tools (JIRA, SVN)
  • Software development best practices
  • Work and professional ethic  
  • Personal productivity improvement tools and practice

Training Title: iPhone Application Development.
Institution:  Bangladesh Association of Software and Information Services (BASIS)
Duration: 2 Months

Course Outline
  • C-programming revision and Introduction to Objective C
    What is Obj-C ?
    Comparison C vs Obj-C

    Introduction XCode and Interface Builder and Hello world iPhone Application
    Simple application to demonstrate the users

    Obj-C advance theoretical part
    Protocol, Categories, Extensions

    Assignment to build simple calculator in iPhone
    It will be the first assignment for the students to build a normal calculator

    Introduction to Cocoa touch (touch based application development)
    Cocoa is used as term for special iPhone specific tools. Discussion will be on the touch functionality programming in iPhone

    Apple Quartz2d engine in iPhone
    How to work with low-level customized graphics
    Animation using Quartz2d engine

    XML parsing in iPhone
    How to parse data from Apple specific (plist) XML as well as normal XML schema
Position base content pushing application using GPS location.
Introduction to GPS and its usability in developing the GPS (CoreLocation) functionality in iPhone.
HTTP POST data programming for iPhone.
How to developed a obj-c based interface for input data and send the information to remote server using HTTP POST method
How to use API/ Apple documentation for new function and working with API ?

Debugging an application

How to solve a bug in developed application. How to create a memory efficient application?

Working with iPhone example code
Apple provides a wide range of sample codes which will be shown. How to use them in your development of application?

iPhone TableUI programming
How to developed application using table related user interface for iphone?
Tab View programming
How to work with tabview programming for iPhone.
Network programming for iphone
HTTP file download, loading network programming using automated and socket connection
Web-based iPhone application development.
Map interface of iPhone
How to work with iPhone map interface
Introductory OpenGL